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Back 20.07–04.08.2019

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Summer at Solny Square

Curator : Opening : 20.07.2019 | mia ART GALLERY, Pl. Solny 11


Krzysztof M. Bednarski | Stasys Eidrigevicius | Andrzej Gieraga | Józef Gielniak | Józef Hałas | Łukasz Huculak | Józef Jarema | Konrad Jarodzki | Hanna Krzetuska | Urszula Madera | Anna Malicka-Zamorska | Eugeniusz Markowski | Michał Misiak | Zdzisław Nitka | Antoni Starczewski | Anna Szpakowska-Kujawska

The Joys of Summer

In summer, you can relax a bit, wear shorts, flip-flops, sunglasses, and look at art from a slightly different, more casual perspective.

The newest exhibition at mia ART GALLERY in Solny Square offers viewers an opportunity to see several artistic and personal meetings, which will reveal unobvious artistic affinities, often unforeseen, unconscious, and unexpected.

And so, the early landscape watercolours by Józef Hałas meet his studio experiments with sticking empty paint tubes to the surface of the painting, and the later, perfected, geometrised blue landscape visions that lean towards the abstract, which reveal the full scope of the masterful searches and ultimate solutions of the master from Wrocław.

We will also see a sophisticated canvas by Warsaw-based Eugeniusz Markowski, who does not appear on the Wrocław gallery scene very often. The figural scene, typical of this painter, has, however, a different, somewhat mysterious character and a slightly different, green and vermillion-based colour scheme.

The attention of the viewers will certainly be captured by the unobvious coexistence of a range of pink, unrecognisable spaces, difficult to name and describe, in the paintings by Konrad Jarodzki and Łukasz Huculak. Different worlds, different brushstrokes, and yet a tonality that is somewhat similar in an unobvious way: the adventures of the palette, adventures of the painters, adventures of the viewers – our adventures – suddenly meet and combine in completely new visual constellations.

The meeting of Antoni Starczewski, Andrzej Gieraga, Józef Jałas and Józef Jarema also turns out to be refreshing and artistically successful. The youngest generation, in the person of Urszula Madera, newly graduated from the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts, is a perfect addition to this set of classics.

And finally, a few beautiful and ceramic baubles complete the summer presentation, which is a free game of meetings and unobvious artistic affinities, visions, and paintings.

 /Bogusław Deptuła/


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