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Back 02.02–16.02.2019


Zamorscy - Horny Spirits

Curator : Opening : 02.02.2019


Anna Malicka-Zamorska, Jan Zamorski, Ryszard Waldemar Zamorski – Horny Spirits

It is one of the attributes of art: always being able to find its own place and time. The exhibition – commemorating the 10th anniversary of Waldemar Zamorski’s passing – has been postponed twice, the current of its preparations interrupted by events concerning personal lives of the artists and those which cannot be controlled or foreseen. However, it finally found its right moment.

In the rattle of wooden wings, the muffled sound of painted clay, in the burble of porcelain scales – the exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Anna (b. 1942), Ryszard Waldemar (1940-2008) and Jan (b. 1966) Zamorski puts a spell, casts away bad spirits, breaks the cold darkness of February evenings. It recalls their joy of creation, playfulness and adoration of nature. From the broken pieces, from the shreds of wood – brought back to life in art, from the patinated sheets of metal, the smoothened stones, the porcelain eyes of mythical creatures – a colorful crowd emerges, led by the Japanese warriors.

Against all the odds, with good luck, for health and for money, for authenticity, faith, love and respect for people, animals and flowers – the Zamorski Family steps forward in a colorful parade. Not a word about main currents or leading trends. There is honesty. Pure joy of living. Hope that everything will be good. Against all the odds.

Waldemar was a Master. Anna is a Sorceress. Jan connects the impossible.

To sum up the 2018, right before huge changes in 2019, in the 10th anniversary of Waldemar Zamorski’s death, mia ART GALLERY invites you for the carnival gathering of spirits. For strength, for power, for joy, for unity, for openness. For day and night, morning and evening. We are casting spells with the artists.

/ Magdalena Mielnicka /


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