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Back 14.03–29.03.2025

Kinga Flasza

Heart Punch

Curator : Bogusław Deptuła Opening : 14.03.2025 | 12:00


mia ART GALLERY invites you to the solo painting exhibition of Kinga Flasza – "Heart Punch" which explores the themes of violence, ritual, and emotional tension. Inspired by wrestling terminology, the artist creates paintings full of energy, contrasts, and hidden drama.Is a fight merely violence, or can it be a complex dance of relationships? Kinga Flasza reveals the repetitive patterns of rivalry – in life, love, and family. Her paintings balance on the edge of aggression and intimacy, illusion and reality, showing how we often entangle ourselves in endless battles – both with others and our own weaknesses.

Opening : March 14, 7:00 PM
Curator: Bogusław Deptuła

Place: mia ART GALLERY, Plac Solny 11, Wrocław

Bogusław Deptuła
Heart Punch

Painter Kinga Flasza, explaining her latest works, writes:
"These paintings tell the story of how we involuntarily repeat patterns of violence, falling into cycles that we are aware of but cannot break free from. At the level of titles, I have linked them with terminology borrowed from wrestling – a sport that is a staged display of violence." Life wrestling, family wrestling, love wrestling – in each of these, and likely in several others, one can observe these predetermined, choreographed figures of combat, duels, and rivalry.In a rather unexpected way, Kinga Flasza has managed to capture both the violence and the predictability of these struggles – strange, yet apparently possible. Looking at the scenes she paints, we do not immediately realize that something is happening here that exceeds the bounds of a social contract. Perhaps, however, we are witnessing a kind of emotional closeness? Maybe not everything is so forceful – maybe these are dance figures, or simply performative gestures? I do not know who wins in these human duels depicted in Kinga Flasza's paintings.And perhaps this will sound strange, but tango dancers also look as if they are arguing or even dueling. Maybe this confession is unnecessary, but in this context, it seems relevant: when I was in Buenos Aires, I visited the most famous tango venue, *Bar Sur* – partly as a tourist, partly as an ethnographer, and partly for an authentic experience. I had never danced tango before. The dancer embraced me and led me… She did whatever she wanted, really. I became a victim of her skill.These paintings might be a kind of "self-looping" because it may turn out that our struggles are entirely internal, self-referential in nature. We do not clash with an external opponent – we battle only with our own weaknesses and perceptions. We may not like this situation, but at the same time, we may not even realize that this is what is happening.The artist chooses contrasting, bold, and intense colors – reds, pinks, purples. These paintings are visible even from a great distance. Expressive, perhaps even poster-like, they exude extraordinary energy. And then there is the dance of forces and tensions depicted within them. These figures linger in memory and endure…The paintings we see cannot be confined to a simple duel-violence relationship. They open up other worlds. Violence does not disappear, even if sometimes it briefly fades.

Kinga Flasza(b. 1999) – graduate of the Faculty of Painting at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Winner of the Grand Prix in the *Postawy IX* Competition. Finalist of the 5th National Painting Competition named after Leon Wyczółkowski and the *IMPULS* Young Art Review.


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