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Back 20.02–04.03.2016

Michał Marek


Curator : Opening : 20.02.2016 | mia ART GALLERY


Wrocław art fans encountered Michał Marek, an artist of the younger generation, during several shows, including the “5” exhibition organised by the mia ART GALLERY in 2012.


The newest individual exhibition by the artist presents paintings that are the result of his creative work in the recent years. During this time, Michał Marek let himself be led Down by the River, the rapid course of which brought complete works to the shore, time and time again. Their contours are not sharp, but still definite. Characters pass through the background and thus everything is important. The painter does not impose an order. His palette are the colours seen through a fog, but also containing the admiration of the Renaissance frescoes, faded with time.


Down by the River is also a unique painterly ekphrasis, referring both to one song and to the entire body of Neil Young’s work. His melodies, serving as the main key to the interpretation of Marek’s paintings, are an important source of inspiration for the artist.


The exhibition we present to you is the process of a journey along a road. The artist travels along it, wandering in expectation of the ghosts of the past, and the intimate contact with them allows him to search for new fields of his own sensibility. The road requires time, and it is a beautiful time, of discovery and memory. An unfinished time.


Michał Marek also asks himself elementary questions and does not answer them.

Why does he paint?

What is painting to him?


On the 20th of February, he will attempt to tell his story again.


Michał Marek [Down by the river]

20th of February - 4th od March 2016


Św. Mikołaja 61-62 


Gallery opening hours: 

tue-fri : 12:00-18:00

sat: 12:00-16:00


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