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Back 21.01–03.02.2017

Renata Bryjanowska


Curator : Opening : 21.01.2017 | mia ART GALLERY


The first mia ART GALLERY exhibition of 2017 is maturity in searching for ideas, perfection of the workshop, and artistic precision. Renata Bryjanowska is focused on her work, experimenting, searching for the best formula for showing the meditative world, illusion introducing the viewer to a different level of receiving art. She uses abstraction and operates with signs and symbols to convey a hidden message, a motto, or a warming. Everyone will read the message sent by Renata – who paints her thoughts on canvas by playing with words, illusions and colours – differently. 



For me, creating a painting is like creating a parallel reality with an infinite number of scenarios. Drawing from an additional arsenal of lives, like the kind of magic that the cinema has.

It’s not about reflecting the world – the stories playing out here follow no rules or restrictions, and even if there are any, it is a mistake to assume their existence. It is a peculiar logic of dreams, something non-verbal that we can’t quite describe.

In my paintings, I contrast contradictory forms of painting, different narratives. I mix, merge, and synthesise non-presentation elements with real ones. These are the rules of expression, in which tensions between disparate values change the unambiguous interpretation of the means used.

It’s a provocation of the viewer to give themselves over to the power of the painting and to search for suspense.

Idealistically speaking, the exhibition is to be a kind of meeting, in which both the author and the recipient have at their disposal vast territories and the freedom of exploration." - Renata Bryjanowska


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